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Welcome to the STAMP wiki, a collaborative working space for preparing PGA (People's Global Action)'s european encounters in 2006.
People's Global Action is an international network that brings together various anticapitalist & auto-authoritarian collectives, groups and individuals agreeing on the « PGA hallmarks » read them here. PGA has been at the root of a number of mobilisations and events, including: the protests against the second WTO conference in Geneva, May 1998; international action days against capitalism (such as June 18th, 1999, as an answer to the G8 summit in Cologne); KRRS' Indian farmers' intercontinental caravan in 1999.
European PGA encounters take place every two years. They allow participants to exchange experiences & reflexions, to share skills & perspectives, to think & organise altogether, to prepare common actions. The next european PGA conference will take place in France, from August 19th to September 3rd, 2006. It will happen in two parts, in a decentralised fashion: the first 9 days will take place in 5 different locations around France (Toulouse, Dijon, Bellevue, Frayssinous, Lyon), each with specific themes in focus; they will be followed by 2 days off for travelling & chilling-out, then by 4 days in a central location (the Tanneries squatted social centre in Dijon).
This year's convenor is the STAMP collective (also called Les Timbré-e-s in french). It aims at facilitating the conference organisation process, and this wiki happens to be its virtual workspace. It contains meeting minutes and reports, documents in progress, memos and various organisation resources (by the way, we need your financial SupPort (request text available in : SouTien, SoPorte, SosTegno, GeldMittel)). For succinct & factual information on the conference, see
PgaProcessintroduction: Tools of communication, structures and aims of an international horizontal anticapitalist network.
PavingStone: English translation of LePavé (paving-stone), summing up the organisation process of the conference, updated as work goes on, as meetings get done, as reports are merged into it and so on.
Plaquette: presentation leaflets for the STAMP process.
InfoPointssurvey: a call and questionnaire for collectives who want to be pga infopoints
InfoPointslist: a list of the existing pga infopoints
DataBase: a list of usefull contacts and ressources around europe
BudapestOrganisation: English text updating you on the Budapest organisational meeting logistics.
More content is available in French (such as detailed reports, minutes and miscellaneous work in progress). So if you happen to speak that language, jump to PageD'Accueil !
- You can read a call to contribute to the "anti-patriarchy and anti-heterosexism focus" that will take place during the decentralized part (19 - 27 August) of the next PGA conference in August-September 2006 :
Matériel: Various texts related to the different themes of the conference
TextesEtDocuments: Texts and documents, among them are :
LePavé: PavingStone, summing up the organisation process of the conference, updated as work goes on, as meetings get done, as reports are merged into it and so on.
Plaquette: presentation leaflets for the STAMP process.
Poster: poster of the conference, to spread/stick.
Plaisantation: introduction brochure to AMP/STAMP, to read/spread.
Lieux: locations of the decentralized gatherings, organisation :
Lieux/Dijon: decentralized gathering & centralized conference at the Autonomous Space "les Tanneries"(Dijon).
Lieux/Limousin: decentralized gathering at Bellevue (Limousin).
Lieux/Lyon: decentralized gathering at "La Friche" (Lyon).
Lieux/Aveyron: decentralized gathering at Frayssinous (Aveyron).
Lieux/Toulouse: decentralized gathering at Toulouse sud-ouest.
Themes: documents, calls to contribute to various topics of the conference:
- Themes/PgaStrategiesAndStructuresIssuesEn: strategic discussions on PGA structures
- Themes/StruggleStrategies : [EN] first step of a debate that started in lyon during the PGA gathering ; [FR] première étape d'un débat démarré à lyon pendant les rencontres AMP à propos de nos tratégies de luttes
- Themes/FeministFocus: focus on « anti-patriarchy/anti-heterosexism »
- Themes/DigitalStruggles: digital struggles, hactivism
- Themes/EspacesAutonomes: « defense of autonomous spaces »
- Themes/SpringUprisings: "When streets are burning ! / french spring uprisings and social movements"
- Themes/ThemesLyon : société de contrôle et politiques sécuritaires ; néo-colonialisme, racisme et politiques migratoires ; focus anti-patriarcat, anti-hétérosexisme ; retour sur les mouvements de révolte de l'automne et du printemps
PreparAction: news, resources, for non-topic-related actions of the gatherings:
PreparAction/Medics: Medical stuff, staff, when, what, etc.
PreparAction/WorldWideWeb: administration of the wiki and the pgaconference website.
PreparAction/EstAMPe: preparing the conference from the east of France.
PreparAction/FilmProject: Film project on the conference preparation
PreparAction/TransLation: page about the translation working group, contacts of people who can translate, how to help us with translations...
PreparAction/FinancialSupport: money situation and urgent call for solidarity initiatives to finance visas and travells for people from eastern europe
PreparAction/ViSas: if you need a visa, contacts and explanations
PreparAction/MatoS: Coordination logistique des besoins et propositions de materiel et infrastructures.
PreparAction/Accessibility: organisation of the conference's acessibility considering peoples needs and/or political choices : specific spaces (women-only, kids space...)/health restrictions/diets...
PreparAction/IllegalTeam/FirstAdvices: first legal advices in english and auf deutsch
CompteRendus: (some minutes are in english) elements and feedback of the preparation meetings.
AutresEvenements: other events during summer'06.
FichesTechniques: various technical howtos:
ThisSite: first steps on the wiki, safely playing with the WikiSandBox, before going further.
HelpIndex in English