This was rephrased by Iann and maxigas ( & This is only a single section of the original French document of the same title!

Contribution: this has to be translated and OKed by STAMPers. NB: the lines in parenthesis ("()") should be deleted!

Techniques of resistance confrontation/dialog We do violent as well as peaceful, centralised and decentralised offensive actions; we express our militant attitude in a variety of ways. Which techniques are more effective/fun/just and which situations? Can we forge a truly global and international strategy incorporating all these ways of resistance?

(Violent/peaceful, centralised/decentralised actions; militant and dialog based attitudes. Our relationship to other struggles in the context of an international and global strategy.)

Ghettoisation radicalism/reformism It is important to create links to people outside our circles in order to brake out of the activist ghetto. How to avoid radicalism isolating us from other parts of the world? Can we incorporate the left like unions and other institutions, as well as the people in our strategies despite our differences of practice?

(Our ghettoisation and our positions on the idea of "popular"/"people's struggles". Our dialog or confrontation with institutions, unions and the political left in general.)

Self-organisation autonomy/alternative Beyond resistance, we should focus on building autonomy through the construction of practical alternatives. While reinventing life outside capitalism, we have to take care not to recreate the norms of capitalist society. We need something new, not a copy of the original! How can we avoid this by reflecting on our modes of organisation, debate and relations?

(Stategies of autonomy and the construction of practical alternatives. Modes of organisation and debate. Modes of relations inside groups. Practical and ethical considerations.)

Discrimination in our struggles identity/difference Our autonomous world is built on social privilege, because not everyone can be anticapitalist. Furthermore, there are power structures in operation inside our communities based on class, gender, age, language and geographical location. How to challange these forces?

(The questions of class, gender and racism inside the struggles.)

STAMP: PgaStrategiesAndStructuresIssuesEn (dernière édition le 2008-12-19 18:59:51 par anonyme)