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from http://pgaconference.org/en/2006/digital_strugglestopics:
Indymedia & the Movement, Mediactivism, etc.
There's a co-dependency between indymedia & grass-roots, anti-authoritarian & anti-capitalist movements it emerged from; but a new mediactivist "trend" is popping up around indymedia - dangers? perspectives? how can we rebuild/ensure closer interaction in between indymedia & radical social movements, etc.?
Let's use this wiki to prepare a bit...
Topics to discuss
Anything you want to discuss? Anything you want to give a talk about?
Indymedia as service to a movement? Where stands Indymedia in a time where everybody can just set up a blog in 5 minutes? How do we move forward from here? Can an IMC be a service during a big event (like the legal team, the street medics and the kitchens) and something else during the other 360 days of a year?
Servers, contracts and who signs them? What kind models have been developed to set up servers? Who signs the contract with the internet service provider? Who gives their name: an indivual, an existing or non-existing group? What are the legal advantages and disadvantage? And what can Indymedia learn from the experience of other groups on this issue? What can Indymedia (and its network of supporters) do to support a global infrastructure of 'left servers'? - based on ideas from Ionnek
Tagging and tracking What are experiences with RSS feeds? Are they used? How can one access postings on the same topic on different Indymedia sites (and maybe also on other sites). As experiences from biotech.indymedia show: rss feeds don't really work here.
Dispatch system What are the requirements that we as users need of a dispatch system? What are typical situations? I would like to get together with some people how have done dispatch and define a list of criteria and to write up a few case to give to those people who want to write a dispatch system as a better basis to develop them. - Clara
Indymedia 2.0 there's some discussion about stopping to use specific CMSs developed for Indymedia: http://techmeet.sarava.org/English/Notes, http://cats.revolt.org/cats-vii/indymedia/ and some work on plone/zone. Maybe somebody can give an update on it (as well as on the new radar), and some discussion what different (types of) indymedia voluteers consider necessary to have and/or improve - mentioned in mails of bonzai, elijah and alex
Indymedia history project We can post our own articles about what is happening right now, but who is writing our own history? More and more often some of us are asked to write articles for some book, and there is a book in the making but nearly all of that are written in a traditional form: one or a few authors write for an editor. On the other hand there are some first ideas about an "Indymedia history" site (for the UK by Yossarian, http://tachanka.mine.nu:300) or about wiki pages (by toya). A discussion and maybe some practical work on it - Clara
Anything you would like to learn? Anything you would like to teach to others?
and more
Meet & Greet: Can we get all people together who are somewhat connected with Indymedia for a "real life chat"? Getting together to connect names and faces, sometime in the beginning of the meeting, informal with some drinks
Key signing: Bring your pgp key, or make one while you are there