Articles :
- process translation
faits :
- global perspective (english / martin for english translation) - sex actvism, frustration (traduit) - plantes sauvages de belleviue not translated - écrivain public - santé mentale - indymedia (maxigas) - Greek students struggles done - luttes CPE done - caravan (kiko and the rest of the group)
- dry toilets - prenancy - legal guide callout - recipes (joelle) - recipe (sebastien)
A faire :
- autonomous servers defense (lunar and vegor) - squat net (dark veggy) - autonomous spaces situation (teresa) - streets are burnings (thomas) - squat database (maxigas) - zapatista declaration (momo) - espaces autonomes (sebastien) - report on autnomou spaces tools (nicolu) - rfid (sebastian) - pepper spray (article) - moving europe (jason) - squat repression (ludo) - gender and squat (lena) - collective org in squat (lena) - squat à a z (nicolu) - new list adresses - pga process (nicolu) :
- - bellevue - lyon - frayssinous - dijon
translation :
spain - tito - joakin - teresa
german : - max
french to english:
- joelle - sarah - dark veggy - sebastien
english to french :
- lena