- La cuisine et sa préparation furent très bien. Peut-être sauf chili sin carne? Well organized,flexible framenworks. Sometimes i found out only after days that some structure(like organizational meeting) exists. Maybe one general flyes would be better than a hole brochure...
- . Perfect tu me
- Good specialy the kitchen
- Good
- pretty impossible ti make it better
LOVE AND FEELINGS:did you fall in love,feel,safe,confortable.
- felt better in smaller subgroups, the ammound of people that:don't have direct affinity with in the general meetings makes it hard to express personnal topics. In advance of the conference PGA was a word for me, now it's a structure which i feel put of. I like the idea, that PGA is not an organization(like a lot of anarchist federation) but an experimed. Le groupe auquel j'ai participé(groupe caravane) était vraiment très bien car très international et ils faisaient énormément attention à la traduction et aux tours de parole, chacun parlait chacun son tour, donc absolument tout le monde participait et partagait ses idées mais aussi sentiments. Notons que tout notre groupe de bilan participe à son premier AMP donc c'est très encourageant, il y a toujours de l'espoir, il n'est jamais trop tard! I felt very confortable-other in autonomous meetings i feel wrong cause of lots of smoke plus alcohol consumed and aggresivity- here I never left like this; very good general meeting and sunday the conflict was discuted in a calm atmosphere.
CONTENTS:add, remove,missing...
- Lack of time needed for better, deeper understandig and to drew conclusions. Hard to fit in spontaneous workshops with a chaotic programm. J'aimerais voir de l'Esperanto pendant ces conférences AMP à volonté internationaliste mais où l'anglais prédomine.
PARTICIPATION:translation,participation,gender,power and tasks sharing.
- Very good participation Missing queer party Beaucoup de workshop intéressants se chevauchent donc c'est parfois très dur de choisir; Incomfortable overaps sometimes:can be traced back to lack of time.
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