A year ago we started working on a project which is a little crazy but totaly exciting. That is to make a documentary film on this summer’s STAMP- european PGA conference.
A few ideas that underline this project :
- to document our initiatives ourselves,
- to collectively work on video and media techniques and theories,
- to try and quit the position of beeing a « director » who observes,
takes pictures, and gives his idea of what he/she observes,
- to try and quit this same relationship with journalists, even if they
are from indymedia,
- help, by considering this film as a tool, the transmission of our
initiatives and ways of doing things,
- to keep an eye on the broadcasting contexts, and maybe try and
priviledge « encounters » rather than « shows »,
- to have fun wearing ridiculous costumes when we wish.
Slowly the project got more and more precise. We already have more than ten hours of footage and sound, and we are starting to see more of what could be going on.
We would like to make a dvd including :
- a film co-dorected by A.P., Anne-So and Tristan, using picture and sound
taken all along the organisation process. Therefor we need shooting and sound taking « teams » during the entire decentralized conferences.
- film about the whole historical PGA protest directed by Momo from Berlin,
- A few other films, according to your wishes, all the editings you would
like to do with your footage, This dvd could be a variable « communication » tool for the diffusion of our ideas/experiences throughout the world.
A collective project
This experience is a true collective project for us since it has been accepted by the whole of the participants preparing the conference. This gives the camera and more confortable position in a political context in which this tool is sometimes hard to use. A trustfull relationship those filming and those beeing filmed can slowly find its place within the conference.
For the time being we have financed alone. We use our own stuff or stuff that has been lent to us. Contact us for more information, we don’t yet know how to keep on financing this project.
Technical aspects
The pictures
- 4/3 normal video format, DV-PAL In order to let us use your footage here are some advice : - use a stand for your camera, - try and focus on something rather than move around a lot, - take care of the light and the framing when interviewing people, - shoot as meany close ups as possible but also as meany large frames as possible, in other words shoot as many different types of frames as you can and diversify… - to shoot travelling, don’t hesitate to use prams, trolleys, cars,…
To ease our use of your footage don’t forget to write on each dv what is on it.
The sound
It is very important to take good quality sound if you want your pictures to be used. We could even say that the sound is more important than the pictures. Its best to plug an external microphone on your camera than to use the one it containes.
What do we need
We thinks it’s very important to respect those who do not wish to be filmed.
- pictures and sounds of every day life,
- meetings,
- pictures of the amazing places in which you will be,
- interviews.
For the interviews, we are interested in
- why people are here,
- how and why they feel concerned with the themes discussed in the
different places,
- how thoughts build up collectively, get lost, appear again…
So we hope to see you this summer for this crazy events…
AP: Annso: Tristan: