This page is attempting to synthesize the debate around possible models for future meetings that happened at the PGA Europe Gathering in Dijon.


Arguments for Decentralising * new dynamic way to organise a conference * allowed us to go deeper on discussions and get to know each other better * themes allowed us to delve deeply into specific discussions, many felt that this was positive and productive. *Decenralisation could work either regionally or based on themes or both. * Decentralised gatherings could help break out of the activist ghetto and keep organisation grassroots (localism?)

Arguments against * Many people did not have time/energy to come to centralized part of conference * Decentralizing our gatherings weakens a network strongly based on interpersonal relationships. We may have less exposure to each other rather than more if we split up.

'Winter Meetings'

Arguments for Winter Meetings *Winter meetings can be a good place to come together and catch up. * can be a synthesis of what has happened in theme/local gatherings * a centralisation of information

Arguements Against * Usually have been a very small group participating in these meetings * Have these been helpful at all?


decentralised gathering on a european scale that could be keep pga dynamic and prepare for the next european conference

winter meeting could synthesise the various ideas from the decentralised gatherings

various people could feel frustrated because some of the discussions are not that clear... pga winter could be used ot decide whether to keep network or not

local and decentralised conferences, there shouldn't be a real deadline for the next conference more time to meet locally and to create a clear process for the next european conference

decentralised and centralised model is not good as some decentralised conference goers did not go the the centralised conference 2 weeks in more than one location is quite long for a conference.

Decentralizing our gatherings weakens a network strongly based on interpersonal relationships. We may have less exposure to each other rather than more if we split up.

PROPOSAL: the next pga would be decentralised either by geographic locations or by topics

proposal from people in russia and ukraine and have the next pga process meeting at the no border camp in ukraine

comments from some members stamp collective: with this project we really wanted to put into question some activist traditions at least to us it seemed that there was a common project to work on and put into practise and other kind of meetings itself they agree it is really important that we dont fix and decide the form of the next conference - they can decide the format, short decentralised etc more regional conferences - transnational, but on a smaller scale, and it doesnt need to be decided on by the larger conference it can be decided on at will by organising groups

* local regional conferences could give more strength and structure to local struggles.

next winter or process meeting could have some feedback about local meetings and decide whether it needs to be convened,

-thematic meetings can be had on the back of other convergances or struggles, ie no borders, so have a day of meeting after each thematic meeting.

-decentralised gatherings on a local level for continuity and to reinforce the local struggles and the wider network

-would like to see winter meetings continue and for process discussions to happen within such centralized meetings rather than locally, so that localized meetings can remain more focused on localized struggles

-decentralised gatherings would break out of the activist ghetto and keep organisation grassroots

-there would still be a centralised gathering at some point for people to meet

-liked the way decentralised gatherings have allowed people to be more focused on issues and get to know each other,

-people need a lot of time between local and global meetings -concern of leaving things for too long and risking people forgetting -federalisation, like with spokescouncil, delegates from local that go to global

STAMP: CentralVDecentral/SpokesCouncilDebate (dernière édition le 2008-12-19 18:59:56 par anonyme)